Feedback from exhibitors of Khimia 2024
Yulia Gotovtseva
"Khimia allows us to demonstrate our new products. We always bring our new developments to the exhibition, plan many business meetings, and are open to new customers. Khimia gives us this opportunity. We have many customers who are planning to equip their laboratories with our furniture."
Yuri Ivanov
"The opening of the exhibition and the plenary session made a special impression. We learned about a very large programme and national projects. A lot of big trends for the development of the chemical industry."
Dmitry Kolchin
"Khimia is the main platform where we present our company, talk about our plans, and open ourselves to a large number of partners of our newly emerging business. It is one of the key exhibitions for networking between production, customers and contractors not only in the chemical industry, but also in the machine-building industry, metallurgy, and banking sector."
Ilya Krivorotov
"This is the first time our company takes part in this exhibition. Therefore, it is an important and very interesting event for us. Business activity at the stand was very good. In addition to our target customers, our foreign partners came to see us. We have signed important contracts with many manufacturers from China and India."
Alexey Lotz
"This is our first time at the exhibition this year. We like everything here, and we intend to participate for more than one year. This event allows us to meet like-minded people, and companies that need our services and our help."
Maryana Nikandrova
"We think that Khimia is a key exhibition in our industry, and we take part in it every year. The activity is quite high. I believe that this is the only platform that brings together all the market players, who make major decisions in the chemical industry, under one roof."
Oleg Podobryansky
"The exhibition brings together all possible consumers and suppliers of the industry. Plus, there is a sufficiently large number of foreign partners. That is why it is a key exhibition of the year for us."
Evgeny Rog
"This is the third time that our company participates in Khimia. The exhibition gives us an opportunity to maintain contact with our existing customers, find new business contacts, and show the market our achievements, our progress in development. We see great interest of exhibitors in the exhibition."
Alexey Sergeenko
"This is the first participation in the exhibition for us. It is a unique experience. We are looking forward to the future. This is a unique platform to strengthen relationships with old clients and find new potential partners."
Alexandra Stunina
"Khimia is the main trade show of the chemical industry. It is a platform to meet our business partners and make new acquaintances. It is an opportunity to network with people who are interested in our products, who are ready to use them, and to find new customers."